Where Is Discord Located?

Where is Discord located and how do you change the installation location? Here's a short guide that shows you everything you need.

Unlike most other applications on your Windows computer, Discord does not automatically install to Program Files.

This might have left you wondering: where does Discord install? Well, we have done some research and figured out its installation location and how you can change it.

This guide will explain precisely where it is installed and how you can move it.

Let’s get right into it!

Table of ContentsShow

Discord Default Installation Location

Discord logo

When using the Discord setup file, the installation is largely automatic, and it selects the location for you.

This is where Discord is located:


Changing Discord’s Location

Unfortunately, you don’t get much choice during the installation. However, if you want to move the application away from the AppData folder or place it on another drive, there’s a way you can do that.

Cut And Paste

Manually moving applications around on Windows is not recommended. This type of move can cause several issues, especially with future updates.

Fortunately, that isn’t the case with Discord. Based on the experiences of some users on forums such as Reddit, it seems that doing a basic cut and paste is not a problem.

We tested this and can confirm that it works flawlessly. Moving around the Discord folder from AppData to Program Files, Desktop, or anywhere else is possible.

To do this, go to the default installation path, select the Discord folder, right-click, cut, and then paste it wherever you want.

moving Discord folder from AppData to Program Files in Windows

Keep in mind that the quick links on your desktop/start menu might not function, so create a new one while you’re already in the Discord folder.

That’s about all!

Some free or paid programs can do this for you, but we don’t recommend them, considering how easy it is to do it yourself.

Here is the provided text: “Please remember to bring a valid identification document when you come to collect your package from our office. This is to confirm your identity and ensure that the package is given to the correct person. Thank you for your cooperation.”

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Branko Gapo

Keeping up with the incredibly fast evolution of computer technology is impossible. Branko aims to use his knowledge on this matter to share news and information on all the latest essential technological innovations and advancements.