Where Are Steam Screenshots Saved? (Steam Screenshot Folder Location)

Where exactly are Steam screenshots saved and how do you access the folder in Windows? Here is a super simple guide to help you get access.

You can record thrilling moments while playing any Steam game by simply pressing a button. You can then utilize these screenshots for different reasons, like displaying them on your profile or making promotional materials.

To do any of these, you first need to find the location of the default Steam Screenshot Folder.

This guide will teach you how to use the Screenshot Manager feature on Steam and organize your screenshot library.

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How To Take A Steam Screenshot

Before accessing the Steam Screenshot Folder, you should first try creating a screenshot.

The default keyboard shortcut for taking a Steam screenshot is F12. Pressing this while in-game will immediately create a .jpg file of your current screen, which you can then view, delete or move to a different location.

Steam How To Take Screenshot

If you want to know more about Steam’s screenshot system, we take an in-depth look in one of our guides.

Now that you have created your first screenshot, you should find the library into which it has been placed.

Accessing The Steam Screenshot Library

When closing a game after taking at least one screenshot on Steam, you will usually see the Screenshot Manager panel on your screen. Here, you can access your screenshot location with one press of a button.

Nevertheless, there could be moments when you desire to promptly access the screenshots on your storage, without the necessity to cease gameplay or await the Screenshot Manager panel to emerge.

To do that, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Steam client on your PC and click View in the top menu, then Screenshots.
    How To Take Screenshot In Steam Game
  2. The Screenshot Uploader panel will open. Click Show on Disk at the bottom. Doing this will open the folder.
    How To Screenshot Steam Games

Here, you can manage all of your screenshots and erase any that you no longer need, to save some storage space.

Changing The Default Steam Screenshot Location

If you don’t like Steam’s default screenshot storage location, it can easily be changed to a new one.

Follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Steam client on your PC and click Steam in the top-left corner, then Settings.
    Steam Settings
  2. In the panel that appears, select In-Game in the menu on the left, then click Screenshot Folder, as indicated in the image below.
    Screenshot With Steam
  3. Click New Folder to create a directory where Steam will save all future screenshots. Name the folder however you like, then complete the process by clicking OK.
    Take Screenshot Steam
    Folder For Steam Screenshots

You can now use this folder, which should be in a more convenient location, to access any screenshots you take while gaming on Steam in the future.

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Bojan Veselinovikj

Bojan is a video-game developer and a tech enthusiast. Combining these two passions allow him to keep you informed on everything that's new in this fast-paced digital world.