How To Clip On Twitch

Do you want to know how to clip on Twitch? Perhaps even make that clip into a GIF very easily? Here is a super simple guide to help you out.

Exciting moments happen all the time during Twitch Livestreams, and sometimes they are so special that viewers can’t resist saving the action in the form of a clip.

Ever since Twitch officially introduced clips, the feature became one of the most widely used and popular on the platform.

To clip on Twitch, you need to know the right steps. If you aren’t sure what those are and looking for someone to help you figure the process out, keep on reading as this guide contains all the answers you need.

Let’s get into it!

Table of ContentsShow

Understanding Twitch Clips

Twitch Clips Splash

Twitch is a platform where the community creates its own memes, trends, traditions, and more. It’s also a place where many exciting things happen on a daily basis, some of which change the platform forever and become a part of its history.

Clips on Twitch keep the most memorable moments from a Livestream.

These moments could be funny, sad, or heartwarming, but they are a valuable part of Twitch, and Clips allow us to visit them again in the future.

Before you learn how to clip on Twitch, it’s important to understand the purpose of this feature and why viewers use it.

If you are already familiar with the concept and just want to know the relevant commands, skip the following section.

Twitch Clips Can Make Your Channel Popular

Some of the most legendary clips on Twitch have achieved millions of views. The amount of potential publicity and extra traffic this can drive to a channel is off the charts!

MrBeast Donating To A Streamer

If the clip is funny, fans will share it with their friends and family, regardless of whether or not they are familiar with the website or streamer in question.

However, this doesn’t only benefit the streamer.

When something is clipped on Twitch, the name of the person who captured the moment will be displayed under the name of the clip.

If your clip “blows up” in popularity, you could drive some new traffic to your channel just because you captured something funny, cool, or exciting.

Clips often get reposted on other popular platforms, such as Reddit’s LivestreamFail, where people who aren’t necessarily regular Twitch viewers can share and enjoy the highlights. As mentioned earlier, this provides free advertising for broadcasters and entertainment for the viewers who missed the live action.  

Having Clips Means Having Channel History

You can’t force a special moment. Not every stream will have unforgettable moments. That’s every broadcaster’s dream, but sometimes nothing of note happens for an entire day.

If a viewer wants to see the pinnacle of your channel’s entertainment, they will usually look at your clips. They might start with the most popular clips and go from there.

If you don’t have any Twitch Clips on your channel, it can appear as though your channel doesn’t have any history. Clips are more than simply a way to advertise; they also add a sense of history and legitimacy to your channel. Twitch Clips of historical moments bring great value to the platform.

The time has come to learn how to clip.

Creating A Twitch Clip

There are numerous ways to do it, but creating a Twitch clip is easy. Follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your Twitch account and open a stream of your choice.
  2. Press Ctrl + X or click the Clapperboard icon, as shown in the image below.
    Twitch Clip Button
  3. The “Create” section will open. Choose the preferred length of your clip.
    Adding A Twitch Clip Title
  4. Add a relevant title to your clip and click “Publish” when ready.

Hooray! You have successfully created a Twitch Clip! But how will you know whether people like it or not?

The easiest way is to track the views by following the simple steps below:

  1. Log into your Twitch account if you haven’t already.
  2. Click your avatar in the top right corner, then select Creator Dashboard.
    Twitch Creator Dashboard
  3. In the Dashboard, select “Content” and then “Clips.”
    Twitch Clips
  4. Here, you can sort clips by views, creation date, category, and much more. You can also choose whether you want to view the clips you created or clips that other people made of you during one of your streams.
    Twitch Clips Page

If you want to delete any clips, “tick” the empty box. An option to delete the selected clip(s) will appear. This is useful if you accidentally clipped something.

Be cautious when utilizing this feature, or you might end up erasing a well-liked clip from your channel. This would be a significant error unless you have a specific motive for deleting that specific video.

Twitch How To Clip

If you want to delete every clip you’ve created or all clips created on your channel, you can do so by selecting either “Clips I’ve Created” or “Clips of My Channel.” Then click the three vertical dots, as shown in the image below.

How To Make Twitch Clips

Reminder: Take a moment to reconsider removing any or all clips from your channel, as this action cannot be undone, and you may unintentionally or later regret losing valuable content.

That’s everything you need to know about creating or removing a Twitch clip on a PC. What about doing it on a mobile phone?

The process is almost identical, except you’ll likely need to “tap” the screen to make the menu appear.

This official article from Twitch addresses everything a user needs to know about the platform’s Clips feature.

Sharing Your Twitch Clips On Social Media

Sharing exciting moments with your friends and family is probably the most rewarding aspect of Twitch Clips. Luckily, Twitch makes this easy to achieve via the preview page. Here’s how that looks.

If you want to share your clip on a social media platform that isn’t part of the socials section, you can simply copy the link and use it anywhere you want.

How To Make A Clip On Twitch

Making A Twitch Clip Into A “Loopable” GIF

Sometimes the moment you capture in a Twitch Clip is a lightning-fast, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scenario. These moments can be easily turned into a fun loopable GIF.

Many users on social sites such as Reddit post GIF versions of their Twitch Clips.

The below steps demonstrate how to generate a loopable GIF using a Twitch clip. This technique employs

  1. Open and navigate to the “Create” section.
    Twitch Clip GIF
  2. Paste the URL of your Twitch Clip into the empty box. If it doesn’t work, and you receive the “Unable to retrieve Media” error, download your Clip and upload it as a file instead.
    How To Make A Twitch Clip GIF Using GFYCAT
  3. Edit your GIF and share it on any social media or sharing platform you want.

Remember, the views of your GIF won’t count toward the view count of the official Twitch Clip. With this in mind, it might be better to share the official link to your clip rather than a GIF.


That’s everything you need to know about creating, deleting, or managing Twitch Clips.

Use this knowledge to grow your channel or become the creator of some of the most legendary clips known among the Twitch community and beyond.

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Bojan Veselinovikj

Bojan is a video-game developer and a tech enthusiast. Combining these two passions allow him to keep you informed on everything that's new in this fast-paced digital world.