When Was Discord Made?

How old is Discord? When did Discord come out? Here's a simple guide that answers this question and goes into the details of Discord's history.

Before Discord, gamers used VoIP platforms such as TeamSpeak or Skype to communicate. Many still do, but once Discord was released, a large percentage of the gaming community switched to using the platform.

Today, Discord is a staple for online communication and not just among gamers. So, when was Discord made, and how did it become so popular?

Let’s examine its history more closely.

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How Old Is Discord?

Before we go into more detail about how this application came to be, let’s get straight to the point.

Discord’s public release date was in May 2015, so it has been available for several years at this point in time.

Discord turned one

Discord’s History

Jason Citron first came up with the idea of Discord. Citron previously created OpenFeint, a platform for mobile games which was later sold to GREE. It seems very possible that this platform inspired the concept of Discord.

After the sale of OpenFeint, Citron founded a game development studio called Hammer & Chisel in 2012. Following the unsuccessful release of a mobile MOBA game, Hammer & Chisel altered its focus to developing a communication platform.

This communication platform is what transformed into Discord. Following its public release in 2015, many communities, forums, and even esports organizers began selecting it over alternatives such as TeamSpeak. Hammer & Chisel was later renamed Discord Inc.

Shortly after it was launched, Discord became the top VoIP app for most gamers and gradually gained popularity among businesses and schools as well. With hundreds of millions of funding annually, its popularity will only keep increasing.

Today, Discord is loosening its emphasis on gaming and steadily becoming a platform with no specific target demographic. It is open to everyone.

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Branko Gapo

Keeping up with the incredibly fast evolution of computer technology is impossible. Branko aims to use his knowledge on this matter to share news and information on all the latest essential technological innovations and advancements.