How To Lock A Discord Channel

It's very useful to lock a Discord channel. Here is a simple visual guide on how to lock a Discord channel.

By default, text and voice channels created in Discord are open to all server members. This means anyone can join them.

To maintain some semblance of order in a large server, it is a good idea to set up roles with different benefits/permissions.

You may have a specific channel that you wish to restrict for everyone on your server (excluding owners/admins). This guide will demonstrate how to achieve this.

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Locking A Voice/Text Channel

To lock access to a particular channel, open your server, right-click the voice or text channel and select Edit Channel.

From here, open the Permissions tab, select @everyone under roles/members, scroll to the bottom and look for the Connect permission. Click the cross (X) to disable the permission.

The channel should now be secured to everyone on your server. You can confirm that you did this successfully by observing the server as a particular role.

To start, open Server Settings, Roles, tap the three dots beside any role, and then pick View Server as Role.

How To Lock Discord Channels

You can now see exactly how the server will appear for your server members.

Find the text or voice channel and see whether or not it has a lock next to its name.

If it has, this means the channel is locked for that particular role and that you have successfully implemented this solution.

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Branko Gapo

Keeping up with the incredibly fast evolution of computer technology is impossible. Branko aims to use his knowledge on this matter to share news and information on all the latest essential technological innovations and advancements.