Does Discord Notify The User If You Kick Them?

Does Discord notifiy the user if you kick or ban them? The answer is no. In this guide, we also show you how you can use a better kick/ban alternative.

Maintaining a Discord server is not as simple as many people assume. An admin has to manage various aspects such as bots, channels, server location, and, the most challenging part, users themselves.

If you’ve found yourself in a situation where you need to kick a user, it can be difficult. If the person isn’t an outright troll, you won’t want to hurt their feelings, but it might be unavoidable if the user is negatively affecting the quality of your server. This is especially hard if the member is an acquaintance or even a friend.

After you kick them, will they be notified? Will they know exactly which mod or admin executed the command?

This guide will examine those inquiries.

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How To Kick A User

If you have previously eliminated other server members, you can likely proceed and disregard the following few paragraphs.

If you haven’t, follow these steps:

  1. Open Discord, go to your server, and expand the member list.
    expanding Discord server member list
  2. With the member list open, look for the member you want to kick (or use the search function).
  3. Right-click the user’s name and click Kick [username].
    kicking Discord server member

Make sure you press Kick instead of Ban. They are not the same command.

Kick Notification

When you do this, the user won’t receive any kind of notification that they have been kicked from your server. Even if you add a kick reason, the user won’t receive a notification.

So, the answer is that Discord does not inform the user when you remove them. There’s no need to worry about that.

In any case, the user can always rejoin the server, or you could invite them back later. On the other hand, a ban will keep the user out of your server permanently.

How To Ban A User

Banning a member of your server means they will never be able to rejoin it using the same account. This will apply until you lift the ban, but if you have justification for issuing a ban, you’re unlikely to want to remove it later.

The procedure of prohibiting someone is nearly identical to booting them. Just to ensure, here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. With Discord open, expand the member list.
  2. Find the user and right-click their name.
  3. Immediately below the Kick [username] option, instead, select Ban [username].

That’s it! The perpetrator is now banned and will no longer be able to bother members of your server.

Ban Notification

As with removing users, Discord does not send a notification for a ban.

Of course, the banned user will probably notice that the server is missing from their list and that they can no longer join it.

Unbanning A User

Admins and mods are only human, so mistakes will happen from time to time. You might also feel that someone has been banned for long enough and eventually want to allow them back into your server.

Here’s how you can lift a ban:

  1. Open Discord, click the server name, and select Server Settings.
    clicking Discord server name and server settings
  2. Select the Bans tab from the list on the left.
  3. This is where you will find all the users you have banned from the server. To unban someone, you simply need to find their username, click it, and then click Revoke Ban.
    revoking ban on Discord server user

Once you have done this, the ban will be revoked, but the user will not be notified. If you want them to join again, we suggest providing them with an invite link via a DM.

Kick/Ban Alternatives

Toxicity, hostility, breaking the rules, and other disruptive behaviors often call for a kick or a ban. However, swinging the ban hammer at a friend isn’t exactly easy.

Fortunately, there is an alternative. There is a way you can keep your friend on the server while limiting their presence on it.

You can do this by creating a role that has minimal or no access to voice or text channels. Follow these steps to achieve this:

  1. Open Server Settings and access the Roles tab.
  2. From there, click Create Role, give it a relevant name (e.g., zero access) and then open the Permissions tab.
  3. We recommend disabling all permissions and leaving only the Read Message History and Connect permissions enabled.

The role has now been created. It’s time to assign it to the appropriate user/s.

To assign it, return to your server, right-click a user, hover over their role, and select the one you created previously.

After you do this, the user will be unable to send messages in any text channel, but they will be able to read messages posted previously. In addition, they will be able to join voice channels, but they won’t be able to participate in them.

This is an ideal solution for uncomfortable situations where you would otherwise need to remove a user entirely.

Related Reads

How To IP Ban Someone On Discord
How To IP Ban Someone On Discord
Branko Gapo

Keeping up with the incredibly fast evolution of computer technology is impossible. Branko aims to use his knowledge on this matter to share news and information on all the latest essential technological innovations and advancements.