Fix: Roblox Error Code 111

Error code 111 is yet another common issue on Roblox. If you came across it, don't worry. We have all the fixes for this error in this guide.

Roblox has an extensive list of errors, some more intricate than others.

The good thing is, we have a solution for each one, and this guide is yet another helpful resource teaching you everything there is to know about the 111 Roblox Error.

If you were recently introduced to this problem, which happens to be one of the oldest ones on the platform, worry not, as we have the right methods to help you overcome it.  

Let’s get into it.

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The Problem Explained

There are various Roblox errors reported by the community throughout the many years of this platform’s existence. We cover all of those problems in our comprehensive Roblox error list, so if you’re curious to learn more, give it a quick look.

The 111 Roblox error is very common, and we believe the reason for that is that the problem it’s supposed to represent is very general.

When a user encounters the 111 error code on Roblox, they see a panel with the “Can’t join place. HTTP 400. Unknown Error.” message, which anyone would agree is quite vague and doesn’t speak much about the problem’s cause.

Roblox Error Code 111

When it comes to solving this issue, it’s worth noting that most of the time there aren’t many things you can do, as it’s often triggered when the Roblox servers are down and not working properly.

However, there are some cases when this error is triggered due to a problem on the user’s end, such as a poor internet connection causing a timeout during a join attempt, corrupt game files, or an unsupported game version.  

If you’ve already checked the current condition of the Roblox servers, and there are no outages reported, it may be worth trying to find the problem on your end, in which case the approaches listed in the sections below should help you out.

Fix 1: Ensure Your Connection Is Working Properly

Internet Connection

If your internet connection is frequently dropping, or you’re experiencing a much higher ping than what’s allowed on the Roblox servers, it could be the reason you’re experiencing the 111 error code.

The best way to check this is by using Speedtest.

Next, we recommend flushing your DNS Resolver Cache, which can help with many network-related issues.

To accomplish this, follow the steps below:

  1. Press Windows + S on your keyboard simultaneously. In the search field, type in Command Prompt, then right-click the first result and choose Run as Administrator from the list of options.
    right clicking Windows 10 Command Prompt and selecting Run as Administrator
  2. In Command Prompt, type in ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter on your keyboard. You will get a returning message when the DNS Resolver Cache is successfully flushed.
    ipconfig /flushdns, Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache

Now that you flushed your DNS Resolver Cache, we recommend restarting your router and your PC. To do this, press the power button located on the backside of your router. The lights will go out and your internet connection will drop.

Now, restart your computer.

When your computer boots back up, power up your router by pressing the same button you used to switch it off.

Wait for a few seconds for the connection to restore, and then launch Roblox.

You should now be able to join the server you previously couldn’t due to the 111 Error Code if the problem was indeed related to your connection.  

Fix 2: Clear Roblox Cache Files

Delete or Remove

Some users reported that clearing the Roblox cache files helped them fix the 111 error. This is likely due to the possibility of having corrupt cache files.

The easiest way to fix this is by clearing the cache files within the %temp% Roblox folder.

Here’s the method to do that:

  1. Press Windows + X on your keyboard. Click on Run from the list of options.
  2. In the box that just opened, type in %temp%Roblox and then press OK.
  3. Select all files from the Roblox data folder that just opened and delete them.

Note: You might have to verify deleting the Roblox files by selecting “Yes” on the Windows prompt screen.

Now you can launch the game again and see if the problem persists. Hopefully, the error will be solved, as this method helped many users.

Fix 3: Use A VPN


You can use a VPN to “mask” your connection and avoid a potential region-related connection issue that’s preventing you from joining a specific Roblox server.

This may not always be effective but it’s worth attempting if you have no success with any other approach.

Keep in mind that if you’re not using a VPN designed for performance, your connection can become much slower due to the re-routing, and therefore you may experience high amounts of ping if you do manage to join the server.

If you aren’t certain which one to choose, we have an extensive guide covering many different VPN products that should help you make the right choice.

Fix 4: Reinstall Roblox


Last but not least, if all other methods fail, you may want to try fixing this issue by reinstalling Roblox. Since this requires more time compared to any other method listed above, we believe it should be a last resort solution.

However, don’t ignore it, as reinstalling the game and replacing the files with new, recent version ones, is often very useful for fixing common problems like the Roblox 111 error.

You can download Roblox files from the official website.


Now you know more about the 111 Roblox error, one of the most frequently-encountered problems on the platform.

Since this is a general error code presented in numerous cases (even when the user is experiencing a different problem), there isn’t a direct solution for it, and so the fixes are quite general by nature too.

I hope the methods mentioned in the guide above can assist you in resolving this problem and returning to playing without any interruptions.

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Bojan Veselinovikj

Bojan is a video-game developer and a tech enthusiast. Combining these two passions allow him to keep you informed on everything that's new in this fast-paced digital world.