How To Get Your Discord Token

Are you looking for a way to get your Discord token? It's pretty easy! Here is a super simple guide on how to get your Discord token.

A Discord token is a phrase of letters and numbers that acts as an authorization code to access Discord’s servers. It effectively acts as an encryption of your username and password.

If you need to access this token, this guide will explain what you need to do in order to find it.

Let’s get started!

Remember, never share this token with anyone. Discord staff or admins will never ask you for your password or token.

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Using A Desktop Browser To Get Your Discord Token

Currently, the only way to obtain your Discord token is via a desktop browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. You can use whichever of these browsers you prefer.

Here is what you need to do:

First, visit the official Discord website, log in to your account, and access the browser app. Once you have accessed Discord, you need to open the developer tools of your browser.

Both Chrome and Firefox utilize the same shortcut to access these tools: F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I. This might vary for other browsers.

When you click on F12, a side panel should show up on the right side of your screen. This panel includes different details and tabs.

This information might look intimidating but, fortunately, you don’t need it. Instead, you need to click on the Application tab.

Get Discord Token Chrome Application Tab

On the left side of the panel, under Storage, expand the Local Storage option. Under this option, select

The storage under will display numerous keys and values. Above those values, there is a search option. Type in “token.” This will filter out the irrelevant keys or values. If the token doesn’t appear, don’t worry. This is normal.

To find your token, click on the Toggle Device Toolbar option on the top right of the developer tools panel.

You can also use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+M.

How To Get Discord Token

Right-click the value on the right side, select edit value, then copy it.

That’s it!

You currently possess your Discord token.

You can use the same shortcut as before (F12) or click the small cross at the top right to close the developer tools panel.

Furthermore, we know that not everyone will always have access to their computers, so you may be looking for a way to find the token on your Android phone or iPhone.

How To Find Your Discord Token On Android/iPhone

Unfortunately, at this time, there is no way you can get access to the Discord token while on your Android/iOS phone.

Google Chrome, Firefox, or any alternative mobile web browser does not have the “Inspect Element” feature, so there’s no method to access the Discord token.

However, if it becomes a possibility, we will most definitely share how you can get the token through your phone, so make sure to check back this guide in the future!

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Branko Gapo

Keeping up with the incredibly fast evolution of computer technology is impossible. Branko aims to use his knowledge on this matter to share news and information on all the latest essential technological innovations and advancements.