Many content creators on platforms such as YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, and others, also have an account on Patreon, which they use to monetize their content further.
Patreon is a platform where content creators can increase engagement with their followers and users can engage with their favorite content creators. It’s a win-win for both sides.
To provide an extra incentive for their audience, content creators sometimes offer Discord roles as rewards for donations or a Patreon tier subscription.
Whether you want to join a content creator’s Discord or you want to add a Discord server as a tier reward, this article will cover everything you need to know.
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Connecting Your Patreon Account To Discord
If you want to become a member of a particular server via Patreon, you first need to connect your account to Discord. Here’s how to achieve that:
Click on your profile picture (top right) and select My profile settings. Once you are viewing your settings, select the Apps tab.
In the Apps tab, you should see Discord as an option alongside a Connect button. This button will automatically send you to Discord’s website, where you can authorize the necessary connection.
In just a few moments, you should have made the connection. Now you can reach Discord roles given by your beloved content creators.
If you are a content creator and want to provide Discord roles to your followers, use the guide below.
Connecting Your Patreon To A Discord Server
To include a Discord role as part of your tier rewards, click your profile picture and select Complete page. On this screen, look for the Ranks tab.
On the Tiers page, pick whichever tier you want to edit and click Edit tier. You can also add an entirely new tier by clicking the Add tier button below.
While editing the tier, scroll down and expand the Advanced menu.
Under Advanced, you will find the option for Discord Positions.Click Link to Discord, which should immediately redirect you to Discord. Here, you need to specify the server and provide the necessary authorization.
Refresh the Patreon page, broaden the Expanded menu again and activate Grants followers access to selected Discord roles. Under this option, you must specify precisely which role you wish to assign to your supporters.
It is helpful to prepare your roles before you connect to Discord. If you create the roles after connecting to Discord, be sure to refresh the page to access all the new roles.
That’s all you need to do. From now on, every member that subscribes to this tier will gain access to the associated Discord role on your server. Remember, you can (and should) add a separate role for each tier.