How To Add Bots To Discord

Do you want to add bots to your Discord server? That's an easy task! Here's a super simple guide on how to add bots to Discord the right way.

Discord is a VoIP program that has consistently stood its ground against competing apps such as TeamSpeak, Skype, Zoom, and many others. One of the reasons for Discord’s enduring popularity is the ability to add bots to a server.

Bots are useful because they can introduce numerous extra features to a server. For example, a bot can play music, give server introductions, list rules, make announcements, and various other functions that help your server run more smoothly.

If you want to add these features to your server, all you need to do is choose an appropriate bot and add it.

If you have been wondering how to get bots on Discord, this quick guide will help you!

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Pick The Bot

Your first task is to choose which bot or bots you want to add to your server. There are many bot list websites that will help you find a bot that fulfills your requirements.

Alternatively, you could join the Discord Bots server, which lists many of the available bots. The server will also help you discover which bots other Discord users recommend.

Once you have selected a bot for your server, it’s time to add it.

Add The Bot

For example, we chose Rickbot to demonstrate the essential steps to add it to Discord. Follow these steps if you want to add Rickbot or any other bot to your server.

Many bots have their website, so find it on Google or on platforms like that rate Discord bots.

Once you’ve found the official website, click Invite.

Rickbot Home Screen

You will be redirected to a prompt to select the appropriate server. Once you’ve selected your server, click Continue.

RickBot Invite

Furthermore, you will be required to personalize the bot’s authorizations.

If you have followed these steps, you should have successfully added Rickbot (or any other bot) to your server.

You can refer to this guide anytime, since the process of inviting/adding is very similar for all bots. After adding the bot, you can control it using the indicated prefix (usually beginning with an exclamation mark).

Finally, enjoy it, as bots can bring you a variety of new features on Discord.

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Branko Gapo

Keeping up with the incredibly fast evolution of computer technology is impossible. Branko aims to use his knowledge on this matter to share news and information on all the latest essential technological innovations and advancements.