Fix: Roblox Error Code 523

If you've encountered a 523 error code on Roblox, don't fret. Here are multiple tested fixes to this issue, so you can get back to your game in no time.

Being unable to join a Roblox server can be a vexing experience, especially if you were previously playing on it for some time and without any interruptions.

Regrettably, the 523 Roblox error places numerous users in an undesirable predicament and has been reported by several players on different websites, including the authorized Roblox assistance forum.

If you’ve recently encountered this problem, keep on reading as the sections below contain multiple tested fixes that should help you get back to playing quickly and efficiently.

Let’s get into it.

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The Problem Explained

As mentioned in our comprehensive list of Roblox errors, the 523 error is displayed to users who suddenly have no access to a particular server, which could occur due to several reasons.

The message accompanying the 523 Roblox error is: “The status of the game has changed and you no longer have access. Please try again later. (Error Code: 523)” and the error panel is as shown in the image below.

Roblox Error Code 523

Sometimes, the message is accurate and points to the real cause of the problem. For example, the server owner could have enabled a so-called “VIP Mode” allowing only chosen users to join. Either that or the server is simply no longer public or has/is shutting down.

In this situation, there is not a lot you can do except reach out to the owner or a friend who plays on the server and request permission or the necessary status to join and continue playing there.

But, there are other times when the identical message is shown, but the issue is on the user’s end and can be resolved using one of the approaches listed below.

Fix 1: Force-Logout Your Roblox Account Of All Sessions


The multiple-session Roblox issue can lead to many connection problems, such as experiencing errors like the 523 one when trying to join a server.

Having two or more active sessions on your account is not so uncommon, and it doesn’t always mean that your account is compromised and someone uses it.

It can often happen to a user to experience a double login simply due to forgetting their account is logged in and active on a different device, such as a console or an Android device.

To ensure this doesn’t happen, we recommend doing a force logout and re-logging into your account from the device you’re currently using.

If unsure how to do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Roblox in your browser of choice and sign in to your account.
  2. Access the Settings page by clicking the cogwheel icon located in the website’s upper-right corner.
  3. From the sidebar menu on the left, choose Security and then scroll down until you see the Secure Sign Out option.
  4. Click the Sign Out button and confirm the action by pressing OK.

Now your Roblox account is logged out of all other devices that you aren’t using at the moment. You can now try joining the server you previously couldn’t play on, and hopefully, the issue will be fixed.  

If it’s not, there are still other methods to try, so check the following sections for more information on that.

Fix 2: Disable Your VPN


Although having a VPN enabled while playing Roblox is sometimes useful to avoid specific geographical restrictions, it can be a double-edged sword simply because the game can flag this action as suspicious activity and prevent your connection to a server.

If you’re playing with a VPN active, we recommend disabling it to see if this fixes the error. A few users reported that disabling their VPN and then re-logging into their account solved the problem immediately.

Fix 3: Restart Your Router And Clear DNS Cache


Various connection issues could prevent you from playing Roblox, and the easiest way to solve most of them is by clearing your DNS Cache and restarting your router.

It may sound intimidating at first but is a truly straightforward process. If you aren’t sure how to do it, take a look at the steps below:

  1. Simultaneously press Windows + S on your keyboard to open the Windows Search Box. In it, type in Command Prompt, then right-click the first result and choose Run as Administrator. This will launch the required elevated Command Prompt window.
    right clicking Windows 10 Command Prompt and selecting Run as Administrator
  2. Now, within Command Prompt, type in the following command: “ipconfig /flusndns” and press Enter on your keyboard to initialize it. You will see a message confirming that the DNS Resolver Cache is successfully flushed.
    ipconfig /flushdns, Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache

Now, you can launch Roblox again and try to join the server you previously couldn’t. For some users, this alone fixed the problem by now. If it didn’t for you, continue by restarting your router as instructed in the following steps below:

  1. Find the power button on your router often located at the backside. Press and hold the button until the lights indicating that the connection is up turn off.
  2. Wait a few minutes, and then use the same power button to turn the device on again. While waiting, you can restart your PC as well.
  3. Once your PC and internet connection run again, launch Roblox and try to join the server.

The issue should be resolved now, but if it isn’t, there’s still another option you can attempt.

Fix 4: Clear Roblox Cache Files

Delete or Remove

A pileup of corrupt or broken cache files can cause the game to run improperly, and to ensure this isn’t the case, we recommend clearing the Roblox cache files every once in a while.

This is a fix that often solves the 523 error code, and here’s how to see if it will work for you:

  1. Simultaneously press the Windows + X on your keyboard to open the list of features and options, then choose Run from it.
  2. Inside the window that opened, type in: “%temp%Roblox” and then press the OK button. The Roblox data folder will open on your screen.
  3. Select all files within the folder using the CTRL + A shortcut on your keyboard, and delete them by right-clicking the files and choosing Delete.
  4. Log out and then back into your Roblox account, then launch the game and try to join the server you previously couldn’t join.

The issue should now be resolved.


The 523 Roblox error is a known issue that prevents users from joining a server.

Although the error message pointing out the server may be indeed unavailable for the user can be true most of the time, it’s not uncommon for this to be a bug that can be fixed by taking action on the user’s end.

Hopefully, by using the methods listed in the guide below, you will be able to fix the 523 Roblox error and get back to uninterrupted playing.

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Bojan Veselinovikj

Bojan is a video-game developer and a tech enthusiast. Combining these two passions allow him to keep you informed on everything that's new in this fast-paced digital world.