Fix: Roblox Error Code 109

Came across 109 error code on Roblox? Don't fret. Here's the complete guide on how to get Roblox error code 109 fixed.

The Roblox 109 error is responsible for many disconnects, so it became one of the frequently-reported issues in the community.

This issue is considered slightly more on the “generic” side as it doesn’t point to a specific problem on the user’s end but rather a general problem with the connection or the game, resulting in a disconnect.

If you encountered this issue lately and are looking for a way to solve it, keep reading as we cover it all in the guide below.

Let’s get started.

Table of ContentsShow

Fix 1: Ensure The Roblox Servers Are Not Down


Many times when a user gets disconnected from the game and is presented with an error similar to the 109 one you’re dealing with at the moment, the main cause is the Roblox servers undergoing maintenance, either a scheduled or an unexpected one.

If this is the case, it’s not worth spending time trying to solve the issue, simply because there’s not much you can do when the problem is not on your end.

To check the status of the Roblox servers, we recommend Down Detector’s dedicated Roblox server status page.

By looking at the chart, you can easily see whether there are outages and other issues reported by the Roblox community. If everything seems to be running smoothly, then the issue causing the 109 Roblox error may be on your end.

In that case, take a look at the sections below for more information on what you can do to fix it.

Fix 2: Solve Potential Problems With Your Connection

Internet Connection

Often, poor connection can lead to random Roblox disconnect issues like the one the 109 error is known for.

After confirming the Roblox servers are not down and that the issue may be on your end, you can take the following actions to resolve any potential problems with your connection. This includes evaluating your connection’s performance, purging the DNS cache, rebooting your router, and more.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Open Speedtest in your browser of choice and begin the test by clicking the GO button in the center of the screen.
  2. Wait for the test to finish.
  3. Compare the results to the stats provided by your internet service provider for your specific internet package.

If you notice that your internet is underperforming, you can contact the provider and try to solve the problem from there. Please note that any ongoing background downloads or heavy bandwidth usage from other machines connected to the same network can have a significant impact on your connection.

If your internet connection is performing as it should, move on to the next task which is flushing your DNS Resolver Cache. Follow these steps:

  1. Simultaneously press Windows + S on your keyboard and type in Command Prompt in the window that opened. Right-click the first result shown on the list and choose Run as Administrator.
    right clicking Windows 10 Command Prompt and selecting Run as Administrator
  2. Within the Command Prompt window, type in: “ipconfig /flushdns” and press Enter on your keyboard to initialize the command. You’ll see the returning message confirming the action, as shown in the image below.
    ipconfig /flushdns, Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache

You’ve now successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache, and the next thing we recommend is rebooting your router.

To accomplish this, follow the steps below:

  1. Press the power button on your router which is usually located at the backside.
  2. After the lights go out and the connections is stopped, wait for about five minutes.
  3. Power the router back on by pressing the same button and wait until the connection is back.

Now you can launch Roblox and see if the 109 error still prevents you from joining the server you previously got disconnected from.

This method usually solves many connection-related Roblox issues, and hopefully, it should help with this one too.

Fix 3: Clear The Roblox Cache Files

Delete or Remove

Sometimes the disconnect issues happen due to a corrupted pile of cache files, and to ensure users have only original and up-to-date files, the method usually involves reinstalling the game.

However, we only rely on that option as a last resort since it’s very time-consuming.

The alternative is much easier though, and it involves clearing only the game’s cache instead of re-downloading and installing all files.

Here’s how to clear the Roblox Cache Files:

  1. Press Windows + X simultaneously on your keyboard, and then choose Run from the list of options.
  2. Within the “Run” box, type in “%tempRoblox” and then press the OK button.
  3. Select all of the files within the Roblox data folder that just opened and delete them altogether.

You’ll likely need to confirm this action by pressing the Yes button on the prompt screen before the delete action happens.

If this process wasn’t obvious enough, or you wish to attempt an alternate method, check out the useful video below where a user resolves a distinct Roblox issue using the removal of Roblox Cache files technique but via the Command Prompt instead.

Now you can restart Roblox once more and the game will generate the cache files you just erased, populating the folder with authentic and current files that aren’t damaged.

Hopefully, this will solve the issue, as this method helped quite a lot of users fix various Roblox problems, both related and unrelated to connectivity.  

Fix 4: Ensure There’s Not A Double-Session Login Issue


The Roblox authentication servers can often disconnect a player if what’s considered “suspicious activity” is detected on their account.

This involves a double-session login issue, which is often common among members of the Roblox community.

A double-session login is when someone is using your account and trying to play a game at the same time as you.

Although this is a security issue, you shouldn’t panic as the problem is relatively easy to solve.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Open the Roblox website in your browser of choice and log into your account if you’re not automatically signed in.
  2. Navigate to the Settings page by clicking the cogwheel icon located in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. In the left-bar menu, click on Security and then scroll down to the bottom of the screen where you’ll see the Secure Sign Out Tab. Click the Sign Out button and press OK on the confirmation panel.

You’re now logged out of all other devices besides the one you’re currently using. We also recommend changing your password while at it.

This will ensure nobody else is using your account and compromises its security, as well as help you avoid the double-session issue which could lead to many disconnects and suspicious activity errors, such as the 273 error that we cover in one of our guides.

Fix 5: Disable Your VPN


Last but not least, as our final method, we recommend disabling your VPN, as some users reported facing this error and many similar ones while trying to play with an active virtual private network.

Disabling your VPN is easy, and since Roblox is a safe-to-use platform, there’s no need for such a service that may only be slowing down your connection, causing high ping, or resulting in an error such as the 109 one you’re dealing with at the moment.


That’s everything you need to know about the 109 Roblox problem. Hopefully, the methods listed in the guide below will help you solve it and get back to uninterrupted playing as soon as possible.

If you cannot seem to fix this issue even after trying all the methods, contacting the Roblox support team is always a good decision.

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Bojan Veselinovikj

Bojan is a video-game developer and a tech enthusiast. Combining these two passions allow him to keep you informed on everything that's new in this fast-paced digital world.