How To Make An Invisible Discord Name

Have some fun and get yourself an invisible name on Discord. It's easy! Here's a guide on how to make an invisible Discord name or server name.

The majority of us gamers have a nickname, a username that we identify ourselves with across all our platforms. Whether playing MMORPGs, shooters, tabletop games, or chatting on platforms such as Discord, we tend to stick to these unique nicknames.

If, for any reason, you want to remain anonymous on Discord or you simply want to prank your friends, you can always change your name. However, to make yourself even more mysterious, you can alter your name to be completely invisible.

There are multiple ways to change your nickname on Discord, but to make it invisible, only two methods will work. We will describe the steps you need to follow to do that.

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Changing Username

To (semi) permanently make your name invisible to other users, you will need to change your account’s username. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Start Discord and open User Settings.
    Discord User Settings
  2. My Account should be selected by default. If it isn’t, select it.
  3. Look for your Username and click the Edit button next to it.
    clicking Edit button next to username in Discord My Account
  4. Here, you will need to edit the username with the appropriate character. The invisible Em and En Space characters work for most programs. To make this trick work on Discord, use Ctrl+C on the symbol listed below to copy it. Alternatively, you can search for other invisible characters/symbols online.
 Symbol: ˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞

You just need to replicate the vacant space after the colon in the above box. Don’t worry, the symbol will be replicated. Here’s a GIF to illustrate what you need to do:

Selecting the special character for an invisible Discord name

With this symbol copied to your clipboard, return to Discord, paste it under Username and click Done.

Reminder: Remember to input your password.

Discord Change your username

With that accomplished, your username should now be imperceptible to all your friends and fellow server members.

Changing Server Nickname

In case you’re not interested in trying this method and prefer keeping your old nickname, there’s a technique to switch your nickname within the server. This fresh hidden nickname will be for that exact server only.

  1. Start Discord and enter a server (the server where you want your nickname to be invisible).
  2. Enter any channel, right-click your name, and select Edit Server Profile.
  3. Enter that same symbol under Nickname and click Save.

After you save, your nickname should be completely hidden from all other server members.

Discord hidden username

Keep in mind that if users click on your profile, they can still see your real username. If you want to be completely hidden, we recommend using the previous method.

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Branko Gapo

Keeping up with the incredibly fast evolution of computer technology is impossible. Branko aims to use his knowledge on this matter to share news and information on all the latest essential technological innovations and advancements.