How To Send Videos On Discord

There are many different methods on how you can send videos to others on Discord, even if the video is large. Here is how to send videos on Discord.

One of the numerous benefits of using Discord is the capability to swiftly send any kind of file to individual members or an entire server. Anything from documents to images and even videos can be shared with other users.

This guide will show you precisely how to send videos on Discord.

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Sending Videos To A Discord User

If you wish to share a confidential video with a particular Discord user, you must send them a direct message.

  1. Open Discord.
  2. Find the user in your Discord Friend List or a server’s Member List.
    Discord friend list and Discord server member list
  3. Right-click the user, type something and send the message. This will automatically take you to the DM screen.
  4. Here, click the small + (plus) icon in the bottom-left of the chat.
    plus icon at bottom left of Discord chat
  5. In the newly opened window, navigate through the folders and select the file (in this case, the video) you want to send.
  6. Click Open and then press Enter to send the message.

You have successfully sent your video! Your friend should receive the message immediately after the video is uploaded.

Keep in mind that the maximum file size you can send through Discord is just 8MB, which is relatively small for videos. If your videos are larger than 8MB, which is likely, you can either subscribe to Discord Nitro ($10/month) or reduce the size of the video by lowering its quality or trimming its length.

Sending Videos In A Server

If the video you want to send isn’t private and you want as many people to see it as possible, you can share it via a server.

The procedure is nearly the same.

  1. Open Discord.
  2. Select any text channel.
    Discord text channel
  3. Click the same + icon, find your file and open it.
  4. Send the message.

That’s all you need to accomplish. The video can now be viewed by anyone on that specific server.

There are a few things worth noting. Some servers restrict the abilities of users, meaning you might not be able to send images or videos. You might need to contact the server’s moderators or admins to gain the user privileges necessary to send files.

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Branko Gapo

Keeping up with the incredibly fast evolution of computer technology is impossible. Branko aims to use his knowledge on this matter to share news and information on all the latest essential technological innovations and advancements.