How To Get A Sub Button On Twitch

Getting a sub button on Twitch is not easy but it is pretty straightforward. Here's a guide on the Twitch sub button requirements and how to get it.

Earning a sub button on Twitch is one of the greatest achievements, as realizing that goal allows creators to start earning from their content.

However, this requires quite a bit of work, as well as earning the status of a Twitch Affiliate.

In the guide below, we’ll show you how to set up subscriptions on Twitch, so without further ado, let’s get into it.

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What Is A Twitch Sub Button?

If you’ve used Twitch at least a few times before, you’re most likely familiar with the subscribe feature. Viewers can support their favorite creators by paying a fixed monthly price and receiving channel perks in return.

Subscribing On Twitch

Besides donations, this is the best way to directly support creators while receiving something in return.

Viewers can also gift subscriptions to other non-subbed users, as well as choose what tier of subscription they want to purchase for themselves or others. This, usually, determines the type of channel benefits you’ll receive as a reward for being subscribed.

You can learn more about Tier Subscription benefits in this official, helpful guide by Twitch.

Yet, not each channel immediately possesses a subscribe button. In order for individuals to have the ability to subscribe to your channel, you must acquire several “accomplishments” on the platform and meet the requirements to become a Twitch Affiliate.

To learn how to do that, take a look at the section below.

How To Earn It

Earning the Twitch Sub Button requires you to become a Twitch Affiliate. This is simpler to achieve compared to becoming a Twitch Partner but still requires effort and dedication.

The prerequisites for becoming an associate on this platform are the following:

  • Have at least 50 people that follow your channel
  • Broadcast at least 500 minutes during the course of the past month (last 30 days)
  • Stream on seven different days
  • Have at least three concurrent viewers during your broadcasts

Once you fulfill these criteria, you’ll receive an invitation to join the partner plan. The notification may not show up right away, but you will definitely get it, typically within one to three weeks.

You can track your progress towards becoming a Twitch Affiliate by following the steps below:

  1. Open Twitch and log into your account.
  2. Click on your avatar in the top-right corner and choose Creator Dashboard.
  3. In the Creator Panel, click Insights in the left sidebar menu, then click Achievements.
    Twitch Creator Panel Insights Achievements
  4. Click the Path to Affiliate achievement to expand it. By doing so, you will be able to view your progress towards completing what’s required to earn it.
    Twitch Affiliate Program eligibility status

Upon earning the achievement, you’ll receive an e-mail notification with instructions. You’ll need to provide basic information and some details to register for the program.

When you officially become a Twitch affiliate, your viewers will be able to earn channel points by watching your stream. Also, you now have your Twitch sub button.

Twitch Affiliate

Note: To register for the Twitch affiliate program, you must have Two-Factor Authentication enabled on your account.

You can read more about the Twitch Affiliate program in detail and the benefits in one of our helpful guides here.


Now you know what it takes to become an affiliate and, more importantly, how to get a subscribe button on Twitch.

If you are already an affiliate but looking to become a Twitch Partner instead, we have a helpful guide on that topic that you can find here.

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Bojan Veselinovikj

Bojan is a video-game developer and a tech enthusiast. Combining these two passions allow him to keep you informed on everything that's new in this fast-paced digital world.