Fix: Computer Is Low On Memory In Windows 10 & 11

Does your PC say it's low on memory when you know it's not? Don't fret. Here are all the fixes to the computer's low on memory issue.

Have you ever used your computer and was sure it had enough memory for all active processes and apps, yet the operating system issued a warning stating the exact opposite?

Well, you’re not alone in this problem, as this issue has troubled many other users too.

Luckily, it’s much easier to fix than it looks, and we’re here to show you how.

So, without additional delay, let’s get right into it.

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The Problem Explained

If your computer says it’s low on memory, but it’s not, you are likely experiencing a common Windows problem, one that has been reported by many users across various websites and forums.

The paramount thing to acknowledge when dealing with this problem is that the OS error message refers to your RAM, and not the storage memory/space.

Your computer is low on memory

Now, there could be many reasons you’re seeing this warning, including a possible memory leak, a malicious background process, wrong Windows version, not enough virtual memory, and more.

We cover all the possible fixes for the “your computer is low on memory” error in the sections below, so keep on reading to learn how to fix it with ease.

Fix 1: Check Task Manager For A “Heavy” Background Process

Task Manager

The Windows Task Manager panel is your best friend when trying to identify if something is performing abnormally on your system.

You can use the Task Manager in this situation too when dealing with the out of memory Windows 10 error.  

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Press CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE simultaneously on your keyboard and then choose Task Manager from the list of options.
  2. Open the Processes section and search for any process that’s using an abnormal amount of memory. Task Manager will usually list them in order, so start from the top for the most intensive ones.
  3. Choose the process that seems to be using the most memory, then terminate it using the End Task button at the bottom-right of the Task Manager window.

This should fix the problem immediately, as the memory will instantly be freed up and allocated to other processes or programs you want to use at the moment.

However, if the problem is related to software you’re using at the moment and want to keep using, simply turning it off is not a real solution.

Take a look at the next section, where we cover Memory Leaks to learn more about that.

Fix 2: Restart Programs That Were Running A Long Time Without Closing


We use our computers for various activities, including work and entertainment. Some of the most popular programs such as Google Chrome and Adobe Photoshop are known for their memory leak issues.

Although a frustrating thing to experience, memory leaks are not difficult to fix. This issue is inconvenient, but a simple restart of the program that’s been running for a while on your computer will immediately improve things.

So, if you’ve had any of the more resource-demanding programs running on your computer for a long time without being closed or restarted, that could be the cause of the low Windows memory problem.

It frequently occurs to not close your browser or the software you’ve been working on for a lengthy time, occasionally even for days when tasks become too demanding.

Once again, this is not a serious issue, and the simple solution is to restart any programs that have been running for a long time on your computer, or reboot your system altogether if that’s an option. Make sure to save your progress, though.

Learn more about memory leaks in this official Wikipedia guide that covers the subject.

Fix 3: Check Which Windows Version You Have Installed (Ensure It’s 64-bit)


No matter if you have sixteen or thirty-two gigabytes of RAM physically installed on your motherboard, you could still be experiencing low memory issues due to a wrong version of Windows installed.

You should know that the 32-bit of Windows only supports up to four gigabytes of RAM, so even if you have more installed, you won’t be able to utilize it entirely.

We recommend installing the 64-bit version of the Windows operating system so that your computer can utilize the RAM installed.

Learn more about the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit in this official guide by Microsoft.

Fix 4: Allocate Additional Virtual Memory


Another fix for this problem is to increase your virtual memory, which may sound daunting at first for the slightly less-experienced Windows users but is a really simple thing to do.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Press Windows + X simultaneously on your keyboard to open the quick-access menu.
  2. Choose System from the list of options.
  3. Click Advanced System Settings which is located in the right-sidebar menu.
  4. Navigate to the Advanced section by clicking on it in the top-bar menu.
  5. Click Settings in the Performance section.
  6. Once the Performance Options panel is open, click on Advanced.
  7. Click Change under the Virtual Memory category.
  8. Disable the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” option.
  9. Type in the desired values in the “Initial Size” and “Maximum Size” fields. At the bottom of the window, you’ll see the recommended paging file size in MB. Type in any number that’s as close to the maximum of the recommended value, and make sure not to exceed it.
  10. Click Set and then OK at the bottom of the panel to save the changes.

Now the programs you struggled to run without experiencing memory issues should run much better, given that your actual physical memory installed within your system is not the bottleneck.  

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions And Answers


Whenever the “how to fix low memory on Windows 10” question is brought up, we see many misconceptions and beliefs that the problem is caused by something unrelated to the problem.

In this section, you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding this topic that will hopefully clear things up for you.

How to fix low memory on Windows 10

It’s always a good idea to upgrade your computer’s RAM by installing better components if you’re regularly using it for work or gaming, and looking to get the most performance out of it. However, sometimes the problem is not in the actual lack of physical RAM installed, but instead a common Windows error that many users have faced in the past. Our fixes listed above will help you solve it.

Why do my program’s memory leak and cause the low on memory Windows 10 error?

Memory leaks are a common problem, especially with some resource-demanding programs. This is simply a flaw in the software’s development and not related to the user. The only thing you can do to stop the memory leaks is to ensure you always have the latest version of the software available and restart the program when the issue makes your computer unusable.

Is the Windows 10 computer low on memory issue serious?

This isn’t a serious problem and can be easily fixed by terminating the program that’s memory leaking or the demanding background process, checking your computer for malware and viruses, or allocating more virtual memory to your programs. We cover all these methods in the sections above.


The solution for “your computer is running out of memory Windows 10” is included in this guide. You may need to try all of the solutions to find the one that resolves your issue. However, numerous users have found success with these methods.

Hopefully, this will allow you to overcome any difficulties caused by this common Windows 10 error so that you can get back to using your computer freely and without any other issues.

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Bojan Veselinovikj

Bojan is a video-game developer and a tech enthusiast. Combining these two passions allow him to keep you informed on everything that's new in this fast-paced digital world.