How To Find Your Steam ID

Finding your Steam ID is very easy and there are multiple ways that you can find it. In this short guide, we show you how to find your Steam ID.

Every Steam account has a unique 17-digit number assigned to it. This is called a Steam ID, and you might have difficulty finding yours if you are a new Steam user.

Why do you need your Steam identification when it’s easy to change your username and select something recognizable? Explore the importance of Steam IDs in this article.

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Why Is Finding My Steam ID Important?

By sharing your Steam ID, you can help others easily find your profile without making them look through Steam search results, which can be confusing and full of accounts with similar names. This saves time for both you and your friend!

In addition, you’ll be able to use third-party tools such as SteamDB, a database of every Steam account. This lets you know the value of your account and other interesting facts about it.

These include the number of games in your library, time spent playing each game, and much more.  

The official logo of the SteamDB website

What Is My Steam ID?

Finding your Steam ID is easy, and there are two different ways to accomplish it.

Method 1

This is the simpler method and is recommended for Steam beginners. All you need to do is load up Steam and go to the profile section. Here’s how to do it step-by-step:

How To Find Steam ID 1
Screenshot taken using the Windows version for Steam
How To Get Steam ID
The Steam URL Address bar displaying the custom-set ID

Some users have access to this section, but they cannot view the Steam website hyperlink. If this pertains to you, fret not!

For many users, this option is set to off by default. You can easily enable it with one click. Here is how:

How To Find My Steam ID
How Do I Find My Steam ID

Once you have selected the checkbox as displayed on the screen, click on “OK” and go back to your profile area. From there, you should be able to observe the Steam web address bar.

Where To Find Steam ID

The number emphasized in the screenshot above reveals how a Steam ID appears in a profile URL. If you wish to modify your ID to a personalized one, as observed in the previous screenshots, follow these instructions:

How To Check Steam ID
Custom Steam ID
Setting a custom Steam URL in the “Edit Profile” -> “General” section on Steam

You can set your custom URL to anything you like, as long as it isn’t already taken. In this example, the Steam user has the same URL as their profile name. You can also use numbers or a combination of numbers and letters if you prefer. Try to use something that is simple and memorable so it is easier to share with others when they want to find your account.

The other method involves logging into a third-party website. Don’t worry, SteamDB is trusted and used by millions of users on a daily basis.  

Method 2

For this method, you need to navigate to a website called Steam Database. You can do so by typing this address into your URL bar.


(URL bar appearance may vary on other operating systems and browsers. This example uses Google Chrome on a Windows 10 Operating System)

You will see a “Sign in” button with the Steam logo in the top right corner. Click on it. You will be taken to a login screen where you can connect your Steam account to the website. It should look like this.

Where To Find My Steam ID
The message users see upon clicking the “sign in” button on SteamDB

Once signed in, navigate to the upper right corner of the website and click on the small circle. The website should already be displaying your Steam profile picture.

Where Is My Steam ID

You should now see a page where you can view various information about your Steam account, your user history, and much more. It should look like this.

How To Get My Steam ID
The “Steam ID” Section on SteamDB. Example content is blurred for privacy reasons.

Copy any IDs you need. If you only needed to use SteamDB once to get your Steam ID, no problem! You can select “Delete my account and all of its data” while logging out of the site.

My Steam ID
Deleting your account from the SteamDB database upon logging out from the website

You now know much more about your Steam account. If you ever want to use SteamDB again, you can easily do so, even if you chose the “Delete my account and all of its data” option when you last logged out.


The 17-digit number called “a Steam ID” might seem like a meaningless string of digits for newer Steam users. However, it can add friends, help your friends find you, and use third-party websites.

Finding your Steam ID is easy. You can learn how to do it using two different methods by simply following the instructions in this handy guide.

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Bojan Veselinovikj

Bojan is a video-game developer and a tech enthusiast. Combining these two passions allow him to keep you informed on everything that's new in this fast-paced digital world.